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★〜★〜★〜★〜★〜★Vol. 16 〜★〜★〜★〜★〜


Premium Stage Turn Table

July 20, 2024

★1st Stage

1 Billy/ Overnight Success/ Teri DeSario

2 マンボウ/

       My Heart Goes Bang (Get Me to the Doctor)/

                                                         Dead or Alive
3 まこさん/ Singapore/ 2 Plus 1

4 おぐらダ オットット/

  The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me Is You/

                                                          Bryan Adams

5 Mr. Cheerful/ The Locomotion/ Carol King

6 シン/ It's A Sin/ Pet Shop Boys

7 やのっち/ In My House/ Mary Jane Girls

8 P/ Freakshow On The Dancefloor/ The Bar-Kays

★2nd Stage

9 Ozy/ Only Takes A Minute/ Tavares

10 Shige/ I Feel Love/ Donna Summer

11 なべちゃん/ Cisco Kid/ WAR

12 Yuki with Nikki/ Give Me Up/ Michael Fortunati

13 しまだ/ We're in This Love Together/ Al Jarreau

14 ジョージ/ What A Fool Believes/ The Doobie Brothers

15 はいどお/ You Stepped Into My Life/ Bee Gees

16 FRANCO.T/ Le Freak/ Chic

17 Stevie Nikki/ Goody Two Shoes/ Adam Ant


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